Games are the most popular mobile app category
Dharmesh Shah from HubSpot wrote a nice article about the MVCF – the Minimum Viable Co-Founder. I personally also feel that stressing the tough points early on is a very important taks and should not be postponed to later stages. Assume a nice start, a first MVP, good learning best on the MVP, several iterations […]
Theory U is a new viewpoint in order to look at social situations in team work sessions, the context of organization development and even on societal level. Originator of the theory U is action researcher Otto Scharmer who grew up in northern Germany and developed the theory at the MIT. Bernd Österreich vom oose has prepared […]
A new approach to creating continuous innovation that builds on many previous management and product development ideas, including lean thinking and manufacturing, design thinking, customer development, and agile development.
via A nice overview provided by André Bajorat (September 2011) which differentiates two options – the app as virtual terminal (e.g. Google Wallet) and a cardreader adapter for the smartphone – and lists the different concepts and solutions/providers out there.
Top Startup Success Factors Include Some Surprises We can all dream about what it takes to make our startup a success. From recent survey feedback, it seems evident that the urban legends leading to success are wrong. The average entrepreneur is not the one who dumped a promising career, sketched his idea on the back […]
Prototyping = Faking a new business fast (Source: Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Toolkit for Managers).
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